Sunday, 23 July 2023

Setting up staticSearch for our project: integrating the search box into our pages

 In earlier posts, I describe the background to the decision to use staticSearch and my experience of getting it to work. In this post, I describe how we are winding staticSearch into our editions.

By default, staticSearch places everything it uses into a <div id="staticSearch"> element. So your core search page, typically the "index.html" file at the root of your document collection, has to contain a <div id="staticSearch"> </div> element. When you run the Ant process, as described in, the <div id="staticSearch"> gets populated with multiple javascript and html statements. Here is the beginning of what staticSearch pastes in, as of version 1.4.4:

<div id="staticSearch"> 
<script xmlns="" src="staticSearch/ssSearch-debug.js"></script> 
<script xmlns="" src="staticSearch/ssInitialize.js"></script>

<noscript xmlns="">This page requires JavaScript.</noscript>

<form xmlns="" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="ssForm" 

data-allowphrasal="yes" data-allowwildcards="yes" data-minwordlength="2" 

data-scrolltotextfragment="no" data-maxkwicstoshow="5" data-resultsperpage="5" 

onsubmit="return false;" data-versionstring="" data-ssfolder="../../../staticSearch"

 data-kwictruncatestring="..." data-resultslimit="2000">

<span class="ssQueryAndButton">

<input type="text" id="ssQuery" aria-label="Search"/>

<button id="ssDoSearch">Search</button>



This fragment sets up the search form, which will appear where-ever you have put <div id="staticSearch"> in your document. In our implementation, we place it in the document header, where we want this to take up very little space. In the default implementation, the <form id="ssForm"> is followed by two other elements, thus:

<div xmlns="" id="ssSearching" >Searching...</div>

<div xmlns="" id="ssResults"></div>

<div xmlns="" id="ssPoweredBy"> //ssLogo etc

If we keep this as is, here is what the top of our page looks like:

This is rather ugly, as "ssSearching" and ""ssPoweredBy" elements intrude on our very clear header. So we can suppress those by adding 'style="display:none"' to those elements. We will also add 'style="display:none"' to the "ssResults" element: more on that in a moment. Thus:

 <div xmlns="" id="ssSearching"
                                                                        style="display:none" >Searching...</div>

Now, this is how it looks once those elements have been hidden:

This could be better yet. Space in the header is at a premium: every letter counts. Instead of "Search", taking up rather a large box, we might have just a "?" or, even better, a search icon.S So we adjust the appearance of the "Search" button with this bit of css:

  #ssDoSearch {
       background-image: url("../../common/images/searchicon.png");
       background-size: 15px;
       height: 24px;
       width: 23px;
       background-position: 50%;
       background-repeat: no-repeat;
       position: relative;
       top: 5px;
 #ssQuery {
      width: 100px;

The #ssQuery also makes the search box a bit narrower. So now it looks so:

This is beginning to look fine.  Now, let's see what the search results look like in the next post.

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