Monday, 24 July 2023

Setting up staticSearch for our project: the search results

 In the last post, we integrated the search page into the header of our pages. Now, we need to deal with the search results.  staticSearch by default places the search results in the <div id="ssResults"> element. But as part of our set up, we hid that element. Instead, we want the search results to appear in a different place on the page: in a <div id="searchContainer">. So how do we do this?

staticSearch has anticipated that users might want to intervene at the end of the search process to adjust how and where the search results appear. You can find this out by digging into the ssSearch-debug.js file which staticSearch helpfully makes available (it is in the staticSearch folder which Ant makes in your project folder). In it you will find references to a "searchFinishedHook" function, created explicitly as a hook where developers such as me can get at the results of the search and manipulate them before they are seen by the user. The definition of searchFinishedHook is left open in the staticSearch initialization:           

       this.searchFinishedHook = function(num){};

 Accordingly we can redefine searchFinishedHook to let us do what we want to the search results. In this piece of code in the ssInitialize.js file in the staticSearth folder, we define our own searchFinishedHook function:

     window.addEventListener('load', function() {Sch = new StaticSearch();
          Sch.searchFinishedHook = function (num) {

The first two lines hide the "splash" and "rTable" elements on the page. The next line copies all the search results for the hidden "ssResults" element into the "searchContainer" element, and the last line shows that element. Here is what it looks like for a simple search:

For a first, straight out-of-the-box effort, this is really impressive! And also lightning fast.  You can see too that staticSearch has set us up with links to each page. In our project, we have the base index.html at the root of our project folder. All the files with transcripts of each page are in a folder labelled "html", with a subfolder "transcripts', a subfolder for each manuscript, and finally the html for each page. Thus the transcript for folio 1r of manuscript AUT is in html/transcripts/AUT/1r.html.

staticSearch knows that at each page it indexes is in the folder "html/transcripts/..." relative to the index.html file. Accordingly, staticSearch creates a link to each page as (for example) href="html/transcripts/AUT/1r.html".  The links to files works fine for searches from our index.html file. Following standard web protocols, the path "html/transcripts/AUT/1r.html" is appended to the path to the index.html file (e.g. "," thus becoming "".

However, we want to do searches not just from the root index.html file, but also from every transcript file. That is: the calling file for each search is NOT at the root directory, where the index.hmtl file is, but in a directory nested several layers deep within the root. For example, a search from the transcript file for page 1r of the AUT manuscript will be sent from html/transcripts/AUT/1r.html. This affects all the file calls needed and created for staticSearch. Accordingly, we have to make multiple adjustments within the file 1r.html to prepare it for static search:

        The calls to ssinitialize.js and ssSearch.js have to go to ../../../staticSearch/ssinitialize.js and
          ../../../staticSearch/ssSearch.js (the same for ssSearch-debug.js if you are using that instead)

         The attribute value @data-ssfolder on the form id="ssForm" which runs the search has to be set 
          to ../../../staticSearch and not just staticSearch

With these adjustments, the search from 1r.html runs just fine. But we have a problem with the links to the pages in the search results. It is this: because staticSearch does not understand that the 1r.html file is buried in html/transcripts/AUT/ it fails to create valid links in the search results to the files containing the search hits. For example: the link from html/transcripts/AUT/1r.html to 1r.html of the NO manuscript should be html/transcripts/NO/1r.html.  Instead, StaticSearch links to         

That is: it concatenates the file path for html/transcripts/NO/1r.html with the path for html/transcripts/AUT/. The path should actually be '../../../html/transcripts/NO/1r.html'. 

It is not too difficult to fix these incorrect paths by calling a function to rewrite these internal links in our override of the searchFinishedHook  function. But this is somewhat ugly. A better solution would be to have staticSearch recognize where it is functioning from in the file-system and adjust links accordingly in the Ant process. In the next post, I explore how these problems have arisen and what might be done about it.

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